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MultiMetall is the manufacturer of PolymerMetall®. For more than 35 years MultiMetall invests in polymer-metallic material technologies for the maintenance of metals and alloys. In the fight with these special tasks our polymer-metallic materials are professionally equipped.

  • tough hard, wear resistant and long-lived – even under more difficult conditions
  • successful on oily or under water lying repair areas
  • good to exceptionally good assessment as per certificate 301954 (Lloyds Register of Shipping)

Many difficult repair problems can be solved using high-quality polymer metals from multi-metall.

Technical Data:

  • superiority due to mechanical physical data, which counteracts the constant load
  • continuous compressive strength under load more than 160 MPa
  • a force of 245 MPa necessary to reach the upper limit (test report Fraunhofer Institut Germany)
  • difficult to damage when attacked by chemicals e.g. acids, alkaline solutions, solvents, salts, gases etc.
  • equipment that lets metals live longer

*High potential of research and development*