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Visit in Korea | Mr. Tripolitis visits the factories and offices of our associates, Sunbo Industries Co. Ltd

We are pleased to announce that the Managing Director of PMS S.A., Mr. Markos Tripolitis, was invited by our associates in Korea, Sunbo Industries Co. Ltd, to spend a few days in Korea, in order to visit their offices and factories. There, Mr. Tripolitis had the opportunity to meet in close all the staff of their company and to see their very well organised business program, as well as, exchange business ideas with them. He also visited their factories, where he became familiar with the production of their products and systems, including the BlueZone BWMS & the FGSS, for which PMS S.A. is an exclusive agent in Greece, Cyprus and Bulgaria.

Following, you may have a look of several photos of Mr. Tripolitis visit in Korea.